Jewel looked at her little toy wagon in the backyard and the "gentle" slope, as ideas started to swirl around in her noggin', she decided it sounded like great fun for a homemade wagon ride.
I must admit it looked like tons of fun. Of course there were a few times she met disaster - once when she went right into the fence and hit the 4x4 pole after loosing control of her wagon and the other time (when I wasn't looking) when she decided that she might try and ramp up the excitement by riding her dirt bike on the same tracks... hmmm... that resulted in being tossed over the fence we found out. Thankfully she was okay - but her response "It hurt, but it was so fun! It felt like I was flying!" Well, silly girl that's because you were! Flying off your bike!
Oh to be young and not ache as long after injuries. Chuckling.

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