So we went fishing on the 24th briefly after working in our garden and before Ken had to go to work. We cast out or lines in the Warwick from the pier at Ft. Eustis when Jewel felt a tug. This crab (we found out when she realed him in) did not want to let go of those chicken gizzards we had for bait!
The blue crab Jewel caught in the Warwick River
The crab getting cleaned up & ready to be cooked. Jewel was not going home empty handed this time and this little crab begged to be eaten - especially with his "crabby" attitude!
So no mercy here from Jewel. She put the crabby little guy head first in the pot of boiling water to cook!
Oh yeah... blue crab! Tasty little morsel - little being the operative word.
Good eats! So Jewel being adventurous (always willing to try something new), having listened to some of Ken's interesting food stories from his travels & having watched Andrew Zimmern of the Food Network's Bizzare Foods tried more of the inside of the crab than just the delectable little morsels of meat. Unfortunately for Jewel, she didn't care for them.
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