Well, as our chickies have gotten bigger and the weather slowly reminding us that winter is on the way, we got into action into building a bigger chicken coop for our flock. Our new coop will be 10'x 10'. It will have a full roof on it to cover the chickies even on rainy days and within the covered coop there will be a 4'x 8' fully enclosed coop for protection, with a heat lamp for warmth, roosting perches for sleeping, and 8 nest boxes for egg laying. Unfortunately the rain has slowed down our building progress a little, so we'll utilize that time to go get more supplies we need so when the weather improves we can get it up and completed as soon as possible.

Jewel with the our dogs Patch and Falcor and baby chicks with one of the older welsummer chicks Que

Jewel with one of the little welsummer chicks
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