We're Connecting Needy Souls with Giving Hearts
Help our local Foodbank of the VA Peninsula Win a Truck Load of Food!!
The push is on to help fight hunger on the Peninsula!!
September is Hunger Action Month & with ONE day left, if we ALL pitch in, our foodbank could WIN a TRUCKLOAD of food!!
We are currently in 5th place to win a truck load of food!!
We could win it with the help of our ENTIRE community!!!
A truck load of food will provide 35,000 meals!! So…..
If you haven't already taken the pledge to help fight hunger, please visit www.hungeractionmonth.org before the end of day on September 30th.
You only have to enter your name/address information. No monetary donation is required.
After YOU have taken the pledge, PLEASE forward this message to EVERYONE ELSE that you know!! Ask them to take the pledge also!!
Once again, the foodbank with the most pledges (based on population percentages) will WIN a truck load of food!
Thank you so very much for your pledge to help fight hunger!!