Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pardon Our Mess! Chicken Coop Under Construction!

It's been a busy week for us building the bigger chicken coop for our hens. We have experienced some extensive delays with all the (much needed) rain that's fallen. So... we have had to run out and accomplish as much as we can get done anytime during the day(s). It's been a mix of fun, interesting, frustrating, refreshing, and enjoyable. The cool autumn days that have been less humid have felt so good, especially while working.

Building this coop as a family has been fun. It's also been an especially good experience for Jewel as she's learning a great deal about basic construction.



Measuring Twice & Marking

Cutting with the miter saw

Nailing with the air compressed nailing gun

Building the coop is so much fun!

Building continues in between days & periods of rain!

Interior coop floor framing

Building progress

Break time to hug Patch!

Jewel & Patch having a mind-melding moment. Ahhh... a little girl & her puppy - adorable!

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