Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jewel's First Sewing Project on a Sewing Machine!

Jewel wanted to sew project item as a gift for someone, but knowing one does NOT just start sewing on a final project without practice (especially when one has never used a sewing machine), Jewel began to practice on old towels and it developed it a smock (Jewel's idea as we went along). I thought it was great!

In my excitement of it all, I took LOTS of pictures of Jewel while she practiced sewing for the first time, not wanting to miss anything! This is Jewel's "Really Mom?" look. As if to say, enough pictures already... though I know she loved it!

The towels had lot of wholes, so Jewel used some old towels to patch the wholes on the original practice towel. Then she added five pockets! The three pockets around the waist are nice and BIG!

Jewel even added zippers on the sides!

I had to try it on and model it for Jewel! It was a great fit!


  1. Does Jewel hem pants? :) Rachel Paster

  2. I can't imagine it will take her too long before she can hem pants. This was her very first project! She is just so much more talented than I was with sewing at her age.

    She already figured that perhaps she can help those others and also start earning some extra money on the side to put away for college if she gets good at sewing. That's my little entrepreneur!

  3. She is much more talented then I am with sewing at my age. haa haa haa. :):):) Rachel P.
