So far we have harvested 7 raddish, 1 eggplant, 55 zucchini, 33 yellow squash, 6 pan squash, 64 cucumbers, 233 cherry tomatoes, 70 large tomatos (various varieties), 39 beans, 15 head of lettuce, 60 banana peppers, 75 jalapeno peppers, 12 green bell peppers, 12 swiss chard leaves (we take only what we eat and let it continue to grow), and 1 carrot (a baby by mistake - Ken thought it was a weed, so Jewel ate it. It was super sweet and yummy!).
We have calcutated an estimated poundage of produce we've harvested in our garden and factored the average price for each produce at the commissary and we've already harvested so much that we've far exceeded our start-up costs in production, and the season is still young!
It's been so great to go out and work in the garden. While it's not easy, it soothes the soul and fills our tummys!

The Fruits and Veggies from that Garden were sooo yummy! My favorite were the Tomatos! But the Zuccini were also excellent.